Found in Translation: A New Collection Celebrates Italian Queer Poet Dario Bellezza
The resurrection of Dario Bellezza has been more than half a century in the making.…

Between Curiosity and Imagination: In Conversation with Renée M. Sgroi
In a Tension of Leaves and Binding (Guernica 2024) is Renée M. Sgroi’s second collection…

Félix Rose’s The Battle of Saint-Léonard: A Problematic Portrayal of Montreal’s Italian Community
Félix Rose’s new documentary, La bataille de Saint-Léonard (The Battle of Saint-Léonard), chronicles the language and education protests of the late 1960s that made national headlines for many months. What began as a local dispute soon exploded into a wider political conflict that demanded the intervention of both the provincial…

Gramma Stella was 14½ when her mother told…

In Laura’s Uncovering (Ekstasis 2024),…

Love and War in Genni Gunn’s The Cipher
With The Cipher (Signature Editions 2024, 239 p.), Genni Gunn has written a masterful work that captures the sacrifices of…

The Wine Cellar
“All of it?” Saverio asked again. “All of it,” came the answer from the other end of the line. “I’m…

Sveva Caetani and Her Recapitulation Series
Among Canada’s numerous visual artists of Italian heritage, Sveva Caetani is probably the least known. Yet, her body of work…

Calabrese Nacatole: Byzantine Delights for the Holiday Season
As the festive season approaches, I think of my mom and her enigmatic smile, and how she diligently and lovingly…

“When we undertake the pilgrimage, it's not just to escape the tyranny at home but also to reach to the…

The Courtyard
Clara and Cosimo finally reached Via Plebiscito number 80, the intersecting street name Via Daniele written in cobalt blue on…

To Market, To Market – the Mercato Experience in Italy
The Mercato is an Italian tradition that goes back centuries. Once a week, travelling vendors come to town, set up…

Where Italy’s Most Famous Are Buried
Every year millions of tourists visit the city of Florence and flock to the Uffizi Gallery for its extraordinary collection…

Ottawa’s “Village”
Cars, trucks, and heavy transports bustle down the busy thoroughfare known as Preston Street. A vital link between the city…

At a Loss – The Science and Art of Being a Hairstylist
Victor DiBenedetto has spent a lifetime discreetly making his customers look and feel their best. For nearly five decades, the…

But For Now We Stay Home
For our mammas! Francesca LoDico’s radio special, "But For Now We Stay Home,” is about her mamma coping with the…

Patrizio Buanne: Neapolitan Crooner and Really Nice Guy
In a career spanning more than 25 years, Neapolitan pop-crooner and international multi-platinum recording artist Patrizio Buanne has won over…

Fascism, Anti-Semitism, and the Italian Novel in California
As Italian Liberation Day approaches every April 25th, the editorial pages of Italy’s national newspapers reignite the national discourse over…

Letters of Introduction? Lear, Gissing and Douglas’s Travels to Calabria
For centuries, letters of introduction were considered almost as essential as passports for travelling within what is now Italy. A…

Giuseppe Musolino: Brigand King of Calabria
“He was the Robin Hood of Italy,” my mother said when she first showed me the tattered old book in…

Between Curiosity and Imagination: In Conversation with Renée M. Sgroi
In a Tension of Leaves and Binding (Guernica 2024) is Renée M. Sgroi’s second collection of poetry. Her previous collection, life…

Living and Writing Between Two Worlds: In Conversation with Douglas Anthony Cooper
Douglas Anthony Cooper is not an author you will find anyone reading under a beach umbrella. His novels are structurally…

Making Waves: An Interview with Guy Rex Rodgers
Guy Rex Rodgers is the founding executive director (2004-2021) of the English Language Arts Network, or ELAN; "a not-for-profit organization…

To Market, To Market – the Mercato Experience in Italy
The Mercato is an Italian tradition that goes back centuries. Once a week, travelling vendors come to town, set up…

Dining With the Gods – A Travel Essay
After almost half a century living in Toronto’s Little Italy, I make a return journey to the place where I…

More Precious than Diamonds
Despite my frequent trips to Italy, I consciously decided never to learn the language. With blissful ignorance, I always preferred…

In Laura’s Uncovering John Calabro Weaves a Tale of Two Eras
In Laura’s Uncovering (Ekstasis 2024), Toronto author John Calabro has crafted a historical romance set in two different eras, with…

Love and War in Genni Gunn’s The Cipher
With The Cipher (Signature Editions 2024, 239 p.), Genni Gunn has written a masterful work that captures the sacrifices of…

Delusions of Empire: A Review of Francesco Filippi’s But We Built Roads for Them
One of the ironies of the Italic-skippered “discoveries” of the Caribbean and the Americas, from the late 15th and to…

To Seize the World: A Review of Carmela Circelli’s Love and Rain
Carmela Circelli’s Love and Rain (Guernica, 2023) is a beautifully written novel often soaked in mood. I wanted to swallow…

“When we undertake the pilgrimage, it's not just to escape the tyranny at home but also to reach to the…

It’s 1964, Montreal. And a photograph shows me taking my first steps in my grandparents’ front garden. A year later,…

Stranger in a Strange Land … or How I learned to Love the Hyphen
Culture is a system of values – economic values, aesthetic values, moral values etc – to want to preserve it…

Another Timeless Italian Tradition
It may have been a spoonful of sugar for the family, yet it always left a bitter taste on my…

Found in Translation: A New Collection Celebrates Italian Queer Poet Dario Bellezza
The resurrection of Dario Bellezza has been more than half a century in the making. The Roman poet, novelist and…

Italy’s Colonial Past Amid the Lies, Racism, and Selective Amnesia
Excerpts from But We Built Roads for Them: The Lies, Racism, and Amnesia that Bury Italy’s Colonial Past, from the…

Feeling God’s Presence: A Review of Mary Melfi’s Welcome to Hard Times
Mary Melfi has written over a dozen books, including fiction, non-fiction, memoires and plays, and her books have been translated…

In Search of an Altered Identity in Bruna Martini’s Roots-Radici
Roots, Radici. (BeccoGiallo, 2022) is Bruna Martini’s new installment in her graphic memoir series and examines the author’s own altered…

A Celebration of Italian-Canadian Voices
More than sixty writers of Italian heritage presented their work at the 19th Biennial Conference of the Association of Italian-Canadian…

Fallen Workers: How the Italian Community Found Its Voice Through Tragedy
International Day of Mourning takes place on April 28th to remember workers killed or injured in the workplace. At Toronto's…

Italian-Canadian Writers Gather in Torino for Biennial Conference
The Association of Italian-Canadian Writers (AICW) held its biennial conference at the University of Torino, in Torino, Italy, from September…

2021 Accenti Contests – Winners Announced
Montreal, May 16, 2021 – We are pleased to report the names of the winners of the 2021 Accenti…