Caterina Edwards’ article A Rare Work broaches a topic that is still considered taboo: the horrifying fate of the Istriani – Italians who were forced out of their homes when Italian territory was handed over to Yugoslavia in the aftermath of World War II.
Linda Leith tells us how Metropolis Azzurro – Italian and Italian Canadian writers participating at Blue Met – came about in Sharing the Pleasures of Writing. Andrea Camilleri presents a refreshing if controversial view of Women’s Day in his piece The Day of the Deceptive Mimosa.
In her short story Storing Up Memories, Delia De Santis conveys the juxtaposition of modernity and traditional ways of thinking. This issue also pays homage to the thirdplace winners of last year’s Accenti contests: Angela Long with her story This Is Sunday Lunch and Paul French with his photo Bella Donna, which graces the cover of this issue.
We also bring you poems by Corrado Paina and Luigi Monteferrante, Lina Medaglia’s review of Michelle Alfano’s Made Up of Arias, and several new books in Italian Canadiana.
In this issue we invite readers to support the Italian Canadian literary and artistic community. The newly formed Accenti Magazine Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote Italian Canadian cultural and artistic expression through the publication of Accenti Magazine. Visit to find out more and to make a donation.
The Accenti Magazine Awards celebrate their 5th anniversary on April 23 at the Montreal Delta Centre-Ville Hotel during the 12th Blue Met Festival. Join us in toasting the winners of the Accenti writing and photo contests in the company of beatnik jazz poet and musician Ralph Alfonso and the Franco Proietti Quartet.
First published in Accenti Magazine, Issue 18.