Seven Improvised Stages in DIY Curative Stregheria
ONE: Study the old religion of Italy. Make a mental shopping list of items you will not…
ONE: Study the old religion of Italy. Make a mental shopping list of items you will not…
“Every Good Boy Deserves Freedom For All Children on Earth Got Bodies Desires…
They had married in September and it was the end of October when Giovanni stood alone at…
When I was completing the sixth volume of a series I set in a fictional village in…
The Pink House and Other Stories (Longbridge Books, 2018) is Montreal writer Licia…
Jihad. The billboard portrayed a masked ISIL fighter dressed in black, carrying a…
In kinder, gentler times, there was a man who came around on his truck to deliver what I…
It is all a whirlwind; a life constructed in little vignettes, little parables that pass…
In Rene Pappone’s latest novel, The Partisan Brigade, a long-kept secret haunts a…
Waiting for Chrysanthemums combines a “procedural” with a family story. What…